Gluon Lang Show

Gluon is a small, statically-typed, functional programming language designed for application embedding into Rust code.

Gluon lang is a native Rust implementation and does not require any FFI interfacing to foreign C libraries, such as for guile.

Gluon lang provides a feature called “implicit arguments” that can be used to realize parametric polymorphism.

Just Gluon lang is a a bit picky regarding recursion and implicit arguments, for example using the Functor Show from module
The following document is helpful to understand the feature

The following is a short example demonstrating its usage.

Let’s have two file,

  • the module maybe.glu exporting both symbols Maybe and show
  • and the application app.glu
// file: maybe.glu

let show @ { ? } = import!
let { (<>) } = import! std.semigroup

// A `Maybe` represents a parameterized type for an optional value
type Maybe a =
  | Just a
  | Nothing

// Stringifying the `Maybe` value
let show ?d : [Show a] -> Show (Maybe a) =
    let show o =
        match o with
        | Just x -> "Just (" <> x <> ")"
        | Nothing -> "Nothing"
    { show }

{  Maybe, show }

Now, the application app.glu imports both symbols, using the following expression

let maybe @ { Maybe , ? } = import! maybe

Here, the placeholder ? is important to import in the function shows as scoped symbol to avoid ambiguity with symbol

// file: app.glu
let prelude = import! std.prelude
let  { Show, show } = import!
let io @ { ? } = import!
let string @ { ? } = import! std.string

let maybe @ { Maybe , ? } = import! maybe

let val : maybe.Maybe String = Just "foo"
io.println (show val)

Execution in console will be as follows

$ gluon app.glu 
Just ("foo")